5 Revenge Ideas for a Cheating Ex

There are many ways to get revenge on a cheating spouse. Many people will tell you that the best way to get revenge is to do nothing at all. As difficult as this might be, it is good advice. Sometimes holding your head up high and moving on will have more effect on a cheater than anything else you might have in mind. Here are 5 revenge ideas to get back at that friggin’ cheater!

Should You Get a Background Check on Your Fiance?

Date Safe Do an Online Background CheckAre you getting married in the near future? Do you feel confident that you know your fiancé (fiancée), inside and out? If you have any doubt in regard to their past, you might want to consider conducting a background check. As the saying goes ‘it’s better to be safe than sorry’.


Infidelity Test – Semen Test Kit

Infidelity is on the rise and, unfortunately, it is one of the leading causes of divorce. The repercussions are devastating so self esteem, finances, and the once great relationship you may have had. And men aren’t the only ones who cheat. More and more women are finding themselves in the midst of an extramarital affair… an affair that they sought out or initiated.

Have you been suspicious of your wife or girlfriend only to be told that your imagination is working overtime? Maybe you have already found some evidence, of an affair, but want to be completely sure before you confront her. There is a test which can be performed in the privacy of your home that can confirm or disprove your suspicions. The same infidelity test kit has been used by law enforcement agencies to verify rape cases.

How does it work?
After sexual intercourse the flowback of the male partners semen from the woman’s body results in dried semen stains in the undergarment worn by the woman after the episode. In most cases this flowback will continue in small amounts for as long 72 hours after sex, even after showering.

These test kits retail for around $50 and claim to be 100% effective. Each kit contains enough materials to perform five tests and the procedure is very simple. Results are apparent in five minutes or less.


Overcoming Relationship Breakup, the “opening move”

Overcoming relationship breakups can be extremely difficult. We here at Relationship Solutions know this very well and often receive emails about what to do with their depression, or that they just want to be back with their lover and be happy. Even if your spouse has cheated, it is always possible to patch things up if that is something you want. What matters most is happiness, and if you have felt that with your Ex, you can get it back. T.W Jackson, or as he nicknamed himself “T Dub’, is a very popular relationship advice guy. He has his own book called  The Magic of Making up which is an incredible step by step guide to getting your ex back and healing your broken heart. Watch the video and learn the “opening move” to getting your relationship turned around.

Habbo Hotel Account Passwords

If you don’t know what habbo is, you really have no reason to be reading this… unless you’re just really really bored. There are two ways to hack habbo hotel accounts. One is Social Engineering, the other is Brute Force. Hacking habbo passwords is easy as hell using a new tool called PassLoad. But first I’ll tell you the social engineering method.


Cell Phone Spying – Using SpyPhones

Update: This article is outdated and was written before the iPhone and android phones came out. We recommend you read the latest Top 3 Android Phone Apps for Spying on Text Messages and Call History


How to spy on a cell phone?

Have you ever wanted to spy on your special someone’s mobile/cell phone? Now you can and it’s a lot easier to do than you think. All it takes is for you to purchase quality spyphone software available from several different online vendors. Within minutes, you could be reading your loved one’s sms messages, find out who they are calling or who is calling them, know their location, and even listen in on their surroundings.


Truth about Password Hacking/Cracking

There are a few real ways to hack into online accounts, and there are many fake ways you will see all over the internet. Most of these fake ways tell you something like “you need to send an email to [email protected] your username/password in the subject line” which is some fake Yahoo account owned by some guy that just stole your password.

I’ll outline some common myths and things that don’t work, then i’ll tell you exactly how I did it and you can too.


Is My Man Cheating?

I know we all have doubts. Some of them are justified, others are fueled by fear. That’s why it is helpful to see the signs and think long and hard before making an accusation. Look at the signs, open your eyes a bit wider to see if you notice anything. There are 5 major changes in a man when he is cheating.

1. Loss of interest in you is the most common sign of cheating, and the true reason why men decide to cheat! Hence, it is important be interesting and sexy to your man – be fun – and do it often, so you keep the fish hooked. Otherwise, he is but a simple creature and can be lured by another.

How well do you know your spouse?

No matter how well you might think you know someone, all of us have a past. Everyone has secrets they hold near and dear to their hearts, without revealing them even to the most important people in our lives.

What secrets does your lover hold?
When it comes to your lover, you hope those secrets are innocuous – secret crushes, a wild weekend in Vegas, or little white lies that harm no one. But what if they are big secrets?
Perhaps your lover has been married before. Maybe he or she spent time in jail. There may be serious financial difficulties – tax evasion, bankruptcies, or a string of lost jobs.
Your lover could be hiding secrets that could have a profound effect on your life together. Unveiling those secrets at a later date could erode any trust you have in each other, and cause the relationship to crumble.

How to Hack MySpace Accounts

Myspace - a place to cheat on youMySpace is usually a goldmine for juicy information and cheating messages goin on in one’s life. I personally found my girlfriend had cheated on me by discovering a myspace message in her inbox (rather, she forgot to delete her trash) – she was arguing with a guy about how he contracted an STD.. I couldn’t believe it. I got tested and thankfully I was completely clean, but I learned a valuable lesson about trust. As you can see and probably understand, knowing the truth is very important and many others agree.. even though there are others that say it is unethical. I say when it comes to your health and happiness the most ethical thing is to take care of yourself. It is very common for them to flirt, send sexual photos, or even create entirely new myspace accounts to secretly have another relationship – I have heard it all from the people that read my blog. It’s no wonder many people want to know how to hack a myspace account..

I have been experienced with hacking and computers for over 11 years so please, don’t listen to other people that know nothing. There are only 2 ways to effectively hack a myspace:
