Infidelity Test – Semen Test Kit
Infidelity is on the rise and, unfortunately, it is one of the leading causes of divorce. The repercussions are devastating so self esteem, finances, and the once great relationship you may have had. And men aren’t the only ones who cheat. More and more women are finding themselves in the midst of an extramarital affair… an affair that they sought out or initiated.
Have you been suspicious of your wife or girlfriend only to be told that your imagination is working overtime? Maybe you have already found some evidence, of an affair, but want to be completely sure before you confront her. There is a test which can be performed in the privacy of your home that can confirm or disprove your suspicions. The same infidelity test kit has been used by law enforcement agencies to verify rape cases.
How does it work?
After sexual intercourse the flowback of the male partners semen from the woman’s body results in dried semen stains in the undergarment worn by the woman after the episode. In most cases this flowback will continue in small amounts for as long 72 hours after sex, even after showering.
These test kits retail for around $50 and claim to be 100% effective. Each kit contains enough materials to perform five tests and the procedure is very simple. Results are apparent in five minutes or less.
It works on all types of fabric and will not damage the garment being tested. (This test can also be performed on samples found on items such as sheets, mattresses and towels.)
Simply swab the garment with the chemicals provided and place in the micro-tube, which is also provided. Shake to mix. Add sample to PSA cartridge and wait for results.
If you suspect that your wife or girlfriend is cheating, abstain from sex for several days. If the test proves positive during that time, you will have your proof!
The cheapest place I found selling the kit is, which offers it for only $35.95.
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